Separate collection of paper from municipal waste in the City of Zagreb started in 1991.

The amount of waste paper collected in public areas and households in the City of Zagreb 2017-2020
Schedule for paper collection from households |
Household paper collection time will be between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m., except in the city centre, where collection time will be between 9.30 p.m. and 5.30 a.m.
Waste paper is deposited in blue containers set up in public traffic areas, individual constumers' bins or at recycling centres.
Deposit the following types of waste in the blue recycling bins:
- Newspapers, magazines, leaflets, catalogues,
- Notebooks, books, phone books, picture books,
- Writing and computer paper, letters, office memos, paper bags,
- Maps, cardboard folders, corrugated cardboard, cardboard boxes (no adhesive tape, plastic, Styrofoam etc)
Do not deposit the following types of waste in blue recycling bins:
- Indigo paper, carbon paper, photographs and photo paper,
- Paper contaminated by oil or dirt, rubberised labels, diapers etc.
Paper unnecessarily takes up as much as 30% of the volume of our mixed municipal waste containers!
This is exactly why you were assigned a paper recycling bin.
We can all sort waste!
Did you know?
- Separate collection of paper from municipal waste in the City of Zagreb started in 1991.
- Waste paper is a valuable raw material. Recycling paper protects the forests, saves energy, reduces air and water pollution and saves expensive landfill space.
- By separately collecting and recycling 1 ton of waste paper, we save 20 young trees and 60,000 litres of water, halve the consumption of energy, and reduce wastewater pollution 15 times over!