The Subsidiary’s history

“No man should dare in any way dispose of or bury in the city streets garbage, popularly known as 'smeti’', swept up at their homes, dishwater, or any other refuse, in particular ashes, popularly known as 'perilo' or 'poplati'. No one should dare to commit the above in any way. Should anyone disobey this order, they shall pay a fine of sixty denars the first time, a fine of 120 denars the second time, and a greater penalty the third time.”
Until 1947, municipal hygiene in Zagreb had been the responsibility of the city authorities. The municipal company Čistoća Zagreb was set up in 1947. The company became an institution, and as of 1953 it enjoyed the status of an independently financed institution. The company Cesta was set up at the same time, also as an independently financed institution. It was responsible for some of our present-day services, including washing, watering and sweeping public traffic areas.
In the period between 1 January 1976 and 30 June 1980, the municipal company Čistoća Zagreb was merged with the labour organisation Vodovod-Kanalizacija-Čistoća under the name OOUR (Basic Organisation of Associated Labour) Čistoća. As of 1 July 1980, it operated as Komunalna radna organizacija (Municipal Labour Organisation) Čistoća Zagreb.
Pursuant to the decision of the Assembly of the City of Zagreb as its founder dated 25 April 1990, Čistoća poduzeće s.p.o. Zagreb became a state-owned company.
By virtue of a decision of the Commercial Court in Zagreb dated 3 July 2006, T.D. Čistoća d.o.o. was merged with Gradsko komunalno gospodarstvo d.o.o. from Zagreb and operated as its subsidiary from this moment on.
By virtue of the decision of the Commercial Court in Zagreb dated 2 January 2007, Čistoća became a part of Zagreb City Holding Ltd and has been operating as its subsidiary since then.